“Your Monday Muse” #16

“Contrast in Bloom” acrylic and pastels on canvas (36”x36”) by Stef Rapoza. A mix of greens and blues dance and become one as lights leap from the water and transcend their environment. There is messiness and beauty. There is dark and light. I am surrounded and changed. Amidst the chaos, serene lilies emerge, their delicate petals floating upward and away. These lilies represent moments of tranquility and calmness, piercing through the turmoil like beacons of hope. They signify our ability to find peace amidst chaos, to embrace the beauty within the darkness. "Contrast in Bloom" invites viewers to confront the intricacies of their own existence—to ponder the juxtaposition of their messy and calm parts, the darkness and light within. It serves as a reminder that within every storm, there is stillness, and within every darkness, there is light.

Spring is blossoming and brings a whole new appreciation for vibrant colors and high-vibe energy. I invite you to enjoy these colorful abstract paintings (and more!) by a few of my favorite local artists, on-view now at The Gallery at The Urban Hive.

Message me to schedule your free gallery tour (with the Exhibit Curator onsite as your guide).

These and other works are also available to be viewed in your home or office; contact me for a free preview of pieces especially chosen for you!


“Follow the Invisible” intuitive abstract stain painting (36”x36”) acrylic on canvas in bold and bright colors by Roxanne Brodeur Young

Catherine Harris

Catherine Harris, Art Consultant and Life Coach


“Your Monday Muse” #17


“Your Monday Muse” #15