“Your Monday Muse” #7
Like cold salted butter melting on hot breakfast toast, the voice of Johnny Cash was familiar and comforting as it bellowed through my radio on our way to preschool drop-off this morning.
Born and raised in Sacramento, I still consider myself a country-gal-at-heart and country music is the soundtrack to my life. That’s why I was over-the-moon proud when my hometown commissioned Shepard Fairey (one of the best known and influential street artists) to create a 15-story mural of Johnny Cash in the heart of Downtown Sacramento as part of Wide Open Walls 2018 (among several amazingly-talented local muralists also commissioned each year).
If you haven’t seen this towering homage to the man in black, I highly recommend ordering a craft cocktail from the rooftop bar at M!X Downtown and look up! While you’re Downtown, be sure to view Raphael Delgado’s mural of the California bear above Jalapeno’s restaurant and Maren Conrad’s mural of koi fish on the back of the MARRS building, two of my favorites by Sacramento-based artists.
I am honored to live and work in a city that showcases its flourishing art scene in such a way that is accessible to everyone. Enjoy!